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  • Writer's pictureEmmalyn Grace


About a month and a half ago I left my high school campus for spring break expecting to return in a couple of weeks.

That didn't happen.

I never got a last day of high school. There are so many people I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to who I'll never see again in my life. There's so much time that I wasted by wishing it away.

I don't want to make that mistake anymore.

I want to live every day as if it's my last day, and I want to experience everything, especially the simple stuff I take for granted, as though it's my first and last time. Forgive me if I hug you a little too tightly when we see each other next; I just want to leave you with the most I can give. I want to fully appreciate everything and everybody in my life. I want to love people freely and laugh at stupid jokes and wake up early for sunrises and do crazy things and speak from my heart and live life fully because I don't know when or if I'll experience it again.

Jesus actually talks about this as being the reason He came to earth. In John 10:10, He says, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (NKJV)

According to this verse, the reason Jesus came was to give us life, but not just the biological existence kind of life; He came to give us abundant life. Imagine being so full of life that your soul overflows with joy - that's why Jesus came. Imagine being so full of life that you can't possibly see how it could get any richer - that's why Jesus came. Imagine being so full of life that your heart bursts with unconditional love for humanity - that's why Jesus came.

The Creator of the universe, the One who transcends everything, gave up His own existence and went through the most unimaginably horrific agony so that we could experience life to the fullest. He did that for me. He did that for you. How totally unbelievable is that?

I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to waste something that precious. If God bought my life with His own blood, I want to make the very most out of every second I've got, because each second is beyond priceless.

I spent the majority of high school living for the last year, for the last quarter, for the last day; and I never even realized my last day had happened until it was too late.

I don't want to live my life for the last day anymore; I want to live the life I've been given today, the life that has been bought for me today, and I want to let God show me how to live it to the absolute fullest for His glory.

After all, that's kinda why Jesus came.

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